A maven project that have multiple property files via maven antrun plugin

A maven project that have multiple property files via maven antrun plugin

This tutorial will answer several questions (below) within a maven project that has several configuration files (dataset, property, persistence).

1.) How to have multiple persistence, datasource and property files depending on the profile or environment variable (xxx-dev, xxx-integr, xxx-prod)?

2.) How to execute a maven copy/rename/move in a pom?

3.) How to execute an ant if inside a maven pom?

It's best to answer this question in this simple chunk of code :-)

<echo>Execute ant tasks</echo>
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties">
<isset property="local.tomcat.home" />
tofile="${local.tomcat.home}\conf\ipiel.properties" />
tofile="${project.build.directory}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}/META-INF/persistence.xml" />


Some notes:
1.) We need to define a dependency to ant-contrib to be able to use the ant if tag.
2.) The copy property file will execute if property local.tomcat.home is set.

Note, using -P production will only activate that profile but will not replace any variable in the actual property file. To be able to get the actual file we need to specify -Denv=prod. Also we need to bind it to the test phase and not the install phase.

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