Calling MSSQL's aspnet_Membership_CreateUser stored procedure

Calling MSSQL's aspnet_Membership_CreateUser stored procedure

Here's how you would want to call mssql's aspnet_Membership_CreateUser method:

DECLARE @return_value int,
@UserId uniqueidentifier,
@nowUtc datetime,
@now datetime

set @nowUtc = getutcdate()
set @now = getdate()

EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[aspnet_Membership_CreateUser]
@ApplicationName = N'myApp',
@UserName = N'myUserName',
@Password = N'GnVHaGINqzkX14MAjYFNS8eIj1M=',
@PasswordSalt = N'BdR75cxL6c4sTWaDq+AuVw==',
@Email = N'myEmail',
@PasswordQuestion = N'secretQuestion',
@PasswordAnswer = N'secretAnswer',
@IsApproved = false,
@CurrentTimeUtc = @nowUtc,
@CreateDate = @now,
@UniqueEmail = 1,
@PasswordFormat = 1,
@UserId = @UserId OUTPUT

SELECT @UserId as N'@UserId'

SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value


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