How to receive a synchronous jms message

How to receive a synchronous jms message

This tutorial requires that you have glassfish installed and followed the following previous 2 tutorials:

For simplicity, we will just extend the JMSSender class that we have defined from the previous tutorial and add the ff method:

public void getMessages() throws JMSException {
ObjectMessage objectMessage;

QueueConnection connection = null;
QueueSession session = null;
QueueReceiver queueReceiver = null;
boolean goodByeReceived = false;
try {
connection = openQueueConnection();
session = connection.createQueueSession(transacted,
queueReceiver = session.createReceiver(queue);
while (!goodByeReceived) {
log.debug("[xxx-commons] Waiting for messages...");
objectMessage = (ObjectMessage) queueReceiver.receive();
MessageDTO message = MessageDTOHelper
if (message != null) {
log.debug("[xxx-commons] Received the following message: ");
log.debug("[xxx-commons] message: " + message.toString()
+ " : " + message.getRequestId());
if (message.getRequestId() != null
&& message.getRequestId().equals("7d")) {
goodByeReceived = true;
log.debug("[xxx-commons] jms receive done");
} finally {
This method will read from the queue that we have defined. Note that queueReceiver.receive() without parameter will block until there's a jms message in queue.

 Tip you can create a generic jms receiver class that you can extend for different DTOs.

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