How to sign your android application to use the map api in mobile device

How to sign your android application to use the map api in mobile device

There are 4 steps that need to be done to release a mobile application with map on a android powered mobile device.

You have eclipse installed with android plugin installed. If you don't know how just follow the steps here:

1.) Sign your application
a.) Create a key
You can change the keystore and alias, example myCompay.keystore, myCompany
keytool -genkey -v -keystore -alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
b.) Right click the eclipse project, select Export as signed
c.) Execute zipalign.exe from (android_dir/tools)
zipalign -v 4 YourExportedSignedApp.apk YourApp.apk

2.) Create a map key:
keytool -list -alias kbs -keystore .keystore, will return an md5 fingerprint of the certificate,
Example: 56:DC:C4:8F:3A:94:49:67:0A:8A:8B:11:4E:2E:C9:7A

3.) Use the key to generate Android Map API, example

For reference:

Most often it's the solution for:
Android - Failed to find provider info for in MapView Example error that you can see in LogCat.

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