JQuery DatePicker show only the Month and Year

JQuery DatePicker show only the Month and Year

I have created a report search form that filter the monthly record of sales. So I don't really care about the specific day but the month.

Jquery has a nice DatePicker library, but it can't be customized to remove the month part, so just hide it with this code:

dateFormat: 'yy-mm',
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
showButtonPanel: true,

onClose: function (dateText, inst) {
var month = $("#ui-datepicker-div .ui-datepicker-month :selected").val();
var year = $("#ui-datepicker-div .ui-datepicker-year :selected").val();
$(this).val($.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm', new Date(year, month, 1)));

$(".monthPicker").focus(function () {
my: "center top",
at: "center bottom",
of: $(this)

Note: While I customized the code to my liking, it's not my original. It came from several google source.

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