My Todo List iphone application development using xcode

My Todo List iphone application development using xcode

This tutorial will create a Todo list iphone application using xcode. This is the same tutorial in the apple's website I've specified in the reference link below.

Note that this tutorial is not for beginner, basically I'll just summarized what I did and provide the github repository.

To summarize what I did:
1.) In AppDelegate class, I removed the window definition.
2.) Create a Main story board.
3.) Set the default Main Interface in the project setup, this is the story board we've created in #2.
4.) Add a tableViewController and viewController in the story board.
5.) Create your Todo item object.
6.) Create a customized class for the 2 components we've created at #4.
7.) Code the methods :-)

The source code is available at:


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