Table of Contents

Table of Contents

- Android Studio - Creating Material Design App Bar
Android Studio - Creating Material Design App Bar 1.) Set-up the color that we'll use for the app bar: ======================================== >Create a new xml inside values and name it color.xml <resources>     <color name="ColorPrimary">#FF5722</color>...

Table of ContentsMobile DevelopmentJavaEE DevelopmentJava DevelopmentCSharp DevelopmentOperating SystemsDatabaseWeb DevelopmentRepository Management...

- Moving Data From A Table In One Database Into Another With The Same Table Definition
Objective: Given the same schema of database for example an active and archive, how should we move rows of data from one table in one database into the same table name in another database. Below is a java code snippet/pseudocode that I've created:...

- Magento Sqlstate[hy000] [2013] Lost Connection To Mysql Server At 'reading Initial Communication Packet', System Error: 111
After I have successfully dumped my database in our hosting server, I've encountered the above error when I open the magento page. Solution: 1.) Open the file, app/etc/local.xml, and look for the following line: <default_setup> <connection>...

- This Article Explains Some Of The Browser Specific Stylesheet Hacks (like Ie Only, Firefox, Etc) That Can Be Used In Developing A Web Application On Different Browsers
Web UI design for beginners may be complicated than it seems specially if your developing cross browser application. For example building a web app compatible with firefox, ie6 and ie7. One ways is to simply load the appropriate css file using: <!--[if...

