This article explains how to compare 2 Date Objects in Javascript

This article explains how to compare 2 Date Objects in Javascript

The best way to compare 2 Date objects using javascript is to get its long equivalent.

For example we have a date in this format: mm-dd-yyyy and we want to compare them. We will declare the javascript function this way:

function compareDate(a, b) {
var temp, from, to;

from = new Date();
temp = a.split("-");
from.setFullYear(temp[2], temp[0] - 1, temp[1]);

to = new Date();
temp = b.split("-");
to.setFullYear(temp[2], temp[0] - 1, temp[1]);

if(from.getTime() > to.getTime()) {
return false;
return true;

For setFullYear's definition:

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