Uploadify dynamic file extension

Uploadify dynamic file extension

Requirement: To change the file extension depending on the value of a dropdown box.

The code will explain how this can be achieve.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var fileExt = "";
var fileDesc = "";
var leftSelected = $("#categories option:selected");
if(leftSelected.val() == "PRI") {
fileExt = "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.doc;*.docx;*.pdf";
fileDesc = "Allowed Files (.JPG, .JPEG, .GIF, .DOC, .DOCX, .PDF)";
} else if(leftSelected.val() == "AUD") {
fileExt = "*.mp3;*.wav";
fileDesc = "Allowed Files (.MP3, .WAV)";
} else if(leftSelected.val() == "VID") {
fileExt = "*.flv;*.mpg;*.mp4;*.avi";
fileDesc = "Allowed Files (.FLV, .MPG, .MP4, .AVI)";
} else if(leftSelected.val() == "SMS") {
fileExt = "*.html,*.htm,*.doc;*.docx;*.pdf";
fileDesc = "Allowed Files (.HTML, .HTM, .DOC, DOCX, PDF)";
'uploader' : "uploadify.swf",
'script' : "uploadify.php",
'cancelImg' : "cancel.png",
'checkScript' : "uploadifycheck.php",
'folder' : "",
'pagePath' : "",
'multi' : true,
'auto' : false,
'fileExt' : fileExt,
'fileDesc' : fileDesc,
'queueID' : 'custom-queue',
'queueSizeLimit' : 5,
'displayData' : 'percentage',
'scriptData' : {'categories': $('#categories').val()}, //send a post variable in uploadify.php
'onSelectOnce' : function(event,data) {
$('#status-message').text(data.filesSelected + ' files have been added to the queue.');
'onAllComplete' : function(event,data) {
$('#status-message').text(data.filesUploaded + ' files uploaded, ' + data.errors + ' errors.');

Note: Need to link with jquery.js

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