Using IN like operator in Entity Framework

Using IN like operator in Entity Framework

Entity Framework is a great advancement to sql unfortunately some old keywords are not supported. But reading the documentation and google you will find a lot of work arounds. Like for example in the case of IN operator.

select * from table where field in (list);

For example in my recent requirement, I have a comma-delimited string: "A,B,C".

IQueryable<MyModel> iQueryable = null;
var temp = "";
var plainString = "A,B,C";
if (plainString.Length > 1)
//split "A,B,C" becomes an array of "A", "B", "C"
var ids = plainString.TrimEnd(',').Split(',');
//join the array and add single quotes "'A','B','C'"
temp = string.Join("','", ids);
temp = "'" + temp + "'";
temp = "'" + plainString + "'";
iQueryable = _myEntities.MyModel.Where("it.MyFieldHere IN {" + temp + "}");

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