How to import and export a database dump in oracle
The following instruction will help us in importing and exporting our oracle database.
Create and restore dump file (
Create dump file
sqlplus system/oracle
SQL> create directory dmpdir AS 'c:\temp';
select directory_name, directory_path from dba_directories;
expdp system/password version=’’ dumpfile=czetsuya.dmp directory=dmpdir schemas=czetsuya
Restore a dump file
For import we can use the DATA_PUMP_DIR setting:
Copy dump file to folder above
impdp system/password dumpfile=czetsuya.dmp directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR full=y logfile=czetsuya.log
How To Dump And Restore A Postgresql Database
To create a postgresql dump in linux, execute the following commands: Login as root user>su - postgres>pg_dump -U username -W -Z 9 -f /tmp/ -h dbname>passwordTo restore, execute: >psql -U username -f dump_username.dump dbnameOther...
How To Restore An Oracle Dump Using Imp Command
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Connect To Oracle Database In Java Language
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