How to invoke a Jenkins build from Assembla on GIT push

How to invoke a Jenkins build from Assembla on GIT push

This tutorial will try to configure a jenkins job to run when a git push is done on Assembla.

This tutorial assumes that your server is running in Ubuntu 12.04.2.


  1. You must have an assembla account with admin privilege.
  2. An external server with jenkins install
  3. Optional is artifactory
Assembla Configuration:
  1. Login to Assembla
  2. Click the Admin tab
  3. In the Tools section, click More in the far right side
  4. Find Webhook and click add
  5. In Webhook, enter the following settings:
    1. Title=Anything
    2. Enabled=true
    3. Authentication type=basic
    4. External url=http:///git/notifyCommit?url=%{repository_url}&branch=%{branch}
    5. Http method=GET
    6. Context type=text/plain
    7. Post updates about=check "Code Commits"
    8. Click Save
Jenkins Configuration:
  1. Login to Jenkins and make sure you have the following plugins installed:
    1. Jenkins Artifactory Plugin
    2. Jenkins GIT Plugin
    3. SSH Agent Plugin
    4. SSH Credential Plugin
    5. Maven Project Plugin
  2. Configure credentials
    1. Go to Jenkins->Manage Jenkins->Manage Credentials
      1. If you don't have a domain yet, click Add Domain
      2. Scope=Global
      3. Username=jenkins
      4. Private Key=From the Jenkins master ~/.ssh
      5. Click advance tab and enter your passphrase
Create a Job in Jenkins
  1. Click New Job
  2. Select Build a maven2/3 project
  3. Then fill up these fields, the rest can be filled with any values
    1. Source Code Management=GIT
    2. Repository URL=Copy your URL from Assembla, must be in this format: [email protected]:YOUR_PROJECT.git
    3. Advance->Name=origin
    4. Branches to build=master
    5. Build Triggers (checked)
      1. Build whenever a SNAPSHOT dependency is built
      2. Poll SCM - leave schedule field blank
    6. Root pom=eg YOUR_PROJECT/pom.xml
    7. Goal options=clean install OR install
    8. Build Environment (checked)
      1. SSH agent (select jenkins)
    9. Post-build Actions
      1. Deploy artifacts to artifactory
        1. Select your artifactory server
        2. Target release=libs-release-local
        3. Target Snapshot=libs-snapshot-local
        4. Deploy maven artifacts (checked)
        5. Capture and publish build info (checked)
Configure your SSH Agent
*NOTE: This script is not mine, I got it somewhere on google on OSX related forum unfortunately I forgot the link and can't find it now. Basically you need to add a new file for Ubuntu's jenkins user.
  1. Create a new file in ~/.profile
    1. In bash type: vi ~/.profile
    2. Press :qw
    3. Press: Enter
  2. Paste the following lines (ssh-agent need to be set before invoking ssh-add):
# Note: ~/.ssh/environment should not be used, as it already has a different purpose in SSH.


# Note: Don't bother checking SSH_AGENT_PID. It's not used
# by SSH itself, and it might even be incorrect
# (for example, when using agent-forwarding over SSH).

agent_is_running() {
if [ "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then
# ssh-add returns:
# 0 = agent running, has keys
# 1 = agent running, no keys
# 2 = agent not running
ssh-add -l >/dev/null 2>&1 || [ $? -eq 1 ]

agent_has_keys() {
ssh-add -l >/dev/null 2>&1

agent_load_env() {
. "$env" >/dev/null

agent_start() {
(umask 077; ssh-agent >"$env")
. "$env" >/dev/null

if ! agent_is_running; then

if ! agent_is_running; then
elif ! agent_has_keys; then

unset env

How to create an SSH key:
  1. Create a key
  2. ssh-keygen -t dsa it will be created to /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh
  3. You will need to upload this key to assembla
Git Configuration
  1. You need to execute the 2 lines below to configure git, email must be the email you use in assembla
  2. git config —global “Your Name”
  3. git config —global “[email protected]
  1. In Ubuntu call execute: curl http:///git/[email protected]:.git&branches=master
  2. Go to jenkins job and look at Git Poll log, if something is wrong you will encounter Common Problem #1
Common Problems
  1. Permission Error
    1. status code 128:
    2. stdout: 
    3. stderr: Permission denied (publickey).
    4. fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
    5. Solution: Your key is not properly setup either on jenkins or profile bash file

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