How to run Activiti in Glassfish/Postgresql in JTA mode

How to run Activiti in Glassfish/Postgresql in JTA mode

What you need:
1.) Glassfish

2.) Postgresql - make sure that max_transactions is set to at least 10. Otherwise you will encounter the no session error because by default the value is 0.

3.) Checkout travelexpenses from:

4.) Modify the following files as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.0"
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

<persistence-unit name="activitiPU">
<!-- If you are running in a production environment, add a managed data
source, the example data source is just for proofs of concept! -->


<!-- Properties for Hibernate -->
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect" />
<property name="hibernate.connection.<" value="org.postgresql.Driver" />
<property name="" value="update" />
<property name="connection.autocommit" value="true" />
<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false" />
<property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="false" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

<!-- activiti configuration for glassfish application server -->

<!-- lookup the JTA-Transaction manager -->
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
<property name="jndiName" value="java:appserver/TransactionManager"></property>
<property name="resourceRef" value="true" />

<!-- process engine configuration -->
<bean id="processEngineConfiguration" class="org.activiti.cdi.CdiJtaProcessEngineConfiguration">
<property name="dataSourceJndiName" value="activitiDS" />
<property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager" />
<property name="transactionsExternallyManaged" value="true" />
<property name="databaseSchemaUpdate" value="true" />

5.) Make sure that you have successfully define the following inside Glassfish:
Connection Pools
Pool JDBC Connection

6.) Since we have 2 PersistenceContext, in AuthenticationBean make sure that you specify unitName when injecting entity manager:

@PersistenceContext(unitName = "activitiPU")
private EntityManager entityManager;

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