How to setup your google code repository to be accessible in maven

How to setup your google code repository to be accessible in maven

This tutorial will teach us how we can setup a google code project, so we can make the artifact accessible via maven.

1.) You should have an account in google code.

The trick is just simply forming the correct url to be access by maven.

For example I have a google code account:

1.) In your pom.xml file add the following repository:

2.) Notice the suffix at the end of the url: svn/maven2? That means we need to create that directory in google code, Source tab->Browse.

3.) Inside svn/maven2, create the folder depending on your specification, example org/czetsuya/maven/demo/1.0.0. Note that 1.0.0 is the version number.

4.) Upload your jar and pom file inside the folder. pom file should contain the project information.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

5.) To use the artifact you need to add the dependency like:

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