How to use EntityFramework CodeFirst to update your database
This tutorial will attempt to explain how to update an already existing database using EntityFramework's CodeFirst approach.
We need:
1.) VS2010 SP1
2.) NuGet
3.) EntityFramework 4.1
4.) EntityFramework.Migrations
Steps: 1.) We need to make sure that we have Package Manager Console installed in VS2010 (Open the view).
2.) In Package Manager Console execute:
a.) Install-Package EntityFramework
b.) Install-Package EntityFramework.Migrations
Delete all tables. Update-Database –TargetMigration:"0"
Update-Database Add-Migration InitializeWeddingDb
How to create a one-to-one relationship V1:
public class WeddingProduct : BaseEntity
public long WeddingMenuId { get; set; }
public WeddingMenu WeddingMenu { get; set; }
public class WeddingMenu : BaseEntity
//On Context Class override OnModelCreating()
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity().HasRequired(p => p.WeddingMenu).WithMany().HasForeignKey(p => p.WeddingMenuId);
V2 - This one has Cascade: Delete set to true by default
public class WeddingProduct : BaseEntity
public long WeddingMenuId { get; set; }
public WeddingMenu WeddingMenu { get; set; }
public class WeddingMenu : BaseEntity
//On Context Class override OnModelCreating()
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
//modelBuilder.Entity().HasRequired(p => p.WeddingMenu).WithMany().HasForeignKey(p => p.WeddingMenuId);
How to call stored procedure in codefirst (can be achive using the DbContext class):
IList weddingMenuList = _context.Database.SqlQuery("spGetWeddingMenu").ToList();
To call with parameter
SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@productId", productId);
IList weddingMenuList = _context.Database.SqlQuery("spGetWeddingMenu @productId", param).FirstOrDefault();
Note that model-first and code-first should not be use on a single project. Since model-first, is the first to come out in the market I assume most of us use this first then want to try code-first. You can create a class library for this. So they are on different assemblies.
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