How to write left join sql on entity framework

How to write left join sql on entity framework

In every limitation there is always a work around. For this specific limitation on entity framework 3.5 not having a left join. This is what I came up:

For example you want to:
select *
from contact a
left join country c on a.contactid=c.contactid
where contactid=x

Solution 1: Successive queries (not sure how this works)
var query = 
(from a in Context.Contact
join b in Context.Country on a.ContactId equals b.ContactId
where a.ContactId == x
select b);

(from a in Context.Contact
join b in Context.Country on a.ContactId equals b.ContactId
where a.ContactId == x
select a);

Solution 2: Inner join like
//First create a new model class;
class CustomContact {
public int ContactId;
public string ContactName;
public int CountryId;

var query = (from a in Context.Contact
let l1 = (from gc in Context.Country
where gc.CountryId == a.Country.CountryId
select new { gc.CountryId }).FirstOrDefault()
where a.ContactId == x
select new CustomContact {
ContactId = a.ContactId,
ContactName = a.ContactName,
CountryId = l1.CountryId
Solution 3:

var query = from person in people
join pet in pets on person equals pet.Owner into gj
from subpet in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { person.FirstName, PetName = (subpet == null ? String.Empty : subpet.Name) };

See how it works?

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