iOS Donut Progress Bar
The iOS Donut Progress Bar is an iOS library that you can integrate in your project to present data in a graphical way. Furthermore, it will allow you to get a live preview of the design right in the Interface Builder.
Inside the Interface Builder:
iOS Simulator:
- Customizable width and color for line and border of the outer/inner circle.
- Customizable text label.
- Customizable color, opacity, radius, and offset for shadow of the inner and outer circle
- Supports the iOS 8 adaptive layout
- You can change all of this in the interface builder or in runtime.
Example Usage In Runtime
circleView.outerRadius = 20
circleView.oColor = UIColor(red: 244/255, green: 156/255, blue: 45/255, alpha: 1)
circleView.percentage = 75
circleView.fontSize = 25
circleView.noOfDecimals = 0
To get the sample code, please visit this site.
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