How to fix the css hover in ie7 and how implement gzip in your page

How to fix the css hover in ie7 and how implement gzip in your page

Tool: php, zencart

Recently I've encountered a problem with regards to a css dropdown menu. You can see it here: It's the usual dropdown however the css tags aside from all the browsers like safari, firefox, ie7, opera, etc are not working in IE6. You can see examples of css dropdown just type csshover in google.

It solved the problem in IE6 but it has a tremendous effect in speed. The web applications runs slow... So slow... So I was force to look for another possible workaround.

What I got were:

1.) The IE7.js script available under GNU for download here: It makes the IE6 bugs simply disappear :-) (See the documentation). Just add this line in your code:

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

2.) By adding this line to the first part of your code:
*It compressed the files transferred reducing bandwidth but increasing CPU overhead. But it's worth using.
*To identify if your page is encoded you can use this tool:

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